Our body is a complicated system that we begin to understand more and more through science every year. We know that if the balance in the body is off, we can get sick, feel unwell or see side effects that affect our everyday life. One critical system that keeps our body in balance is the endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for homoeostasis, balance and immune systems well functioning. If there are not enough cannabinoids in the body the balance will be off. This can have a massive effect on our everyday life as our performance will be not at its optimal level. Researches have discovered that imbalance in the endocannabinoid system can be the underlying cause for many health and wellness issues. The endocannabinoid systems dysfunction is called Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency syndrome.
The endocannabinoid system that all mammals have is responsible for signalling and regulating body processes and keeping the overall balance in the body. This affects the way we feel, how we react to outside stressors, how well we sleep, how well our body can fight against viruses, how we digest food and absorb nutrients, how well our brain works and the overall energy we have. If the endocannabinoid system works well, you also work at your optimum level, you have power, your weight is healthy, you don’t stress out too much, and you feel well overall. Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids. Those cannabinoids are created and broken down by enzymes, depending on what the body needs to keep the homeostasis. When there are enough endocannabinoids in the system, the bodily functions smoothly. When outside stressors affect the balance the endocannabinoid system steps in to restore it.
Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome shows us that when there are not enough cannabinoids released the system does not work correctly leaving the body function in its non-optimal state causing different side-effects. When a person does not have enough endocannabinoids released, it can cause the development of disease or infection. Humans get cannabinoids with their diet, to help when there is a deficiency, but because our modern-day diet has no food that contains cannabinoids, we do see more of that syndrome.
One primary source of cannabinoids have been cannabis itself, but as it has been prohibited for human consumption for decades, we have been open for the development of endocannabinoid deficiency. Researched suggest that cannabis supplements could be the solution for clinical endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome, as it will stimulate the processes in the body, restoring the overall balance. Plant cannabinoids like CBD can be very beneficial when supporting the endocannabinoids system, CBD interacts with the receptors and helps the endocannabinoid systems performance. Daily cannabis supplement could be the go-to when treating the deficiency.
CBD supplement can come in many forms, as tablets, capsules, oil, topicals or even in it’s purest form CBD isolate powder. Eventually we see that it is becoming easy to use when creating edibles or when adding CBD to your food and drinks. CBD oil also has fatty acids, flavonoids and essential vitamins and minerals, making it an all-around good supplement to take. CBD is also safe to use, as it’s not addictive and will not make you high, making it easy to use everywhere you go. You don’t have to be sick to benefit from cannabinoids; a daily supplement can also work as a preventative measure making sure your body can manage any outside stressors.