Listen up coffee lovers, there is a new way to upgrade your coffee experience – simply add some CBD, and voila, the result is magical!
So what’s the hype all about, why coffee and CBD?
CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of many compounds found in the cannabis plant, it is well known for its healing powers and non-psychoactive effect, which means that CBD will not make you high.
CBD has become very popular, with companies adding it to their food and beverage products.There are so many ways you can consume CBD but let’s get back to the coffee.
CBD in small doses is widely used for treating anxiety and promoting calmness. That makes drinking CBD with your coffee should be used as a little upgrade and that will give you an extra bit of enjoyment. If you keep the dose low you should feel nice and relaxed, but alert!
Here are our top reasons why we think the two fit together perfectly:
CBD takes the edge off
One of the things we coffee lovers do not particularly like are the jitters, but CBD can fix this problem. CBD helps to facilitate calmness. Working together with coffee CBD can counteract the flight or fight response that is caused by the adrenaline, helping your organism to stay relaxed. CBD is an anti-anxiety powerhouse so add it to your coffee, and you get the best of both worlds.
CBD gives you good energy
By adding CBD to your coffee you might decrease the actual amount of coffee you drink daily. You will need fewer cups per day to be productive and stay focused. CBD also increases serotonin which is the feel-good neurotransmitter that keeps us feeling good. That is excellent news for all the “I need a coffee before I can function” people. Waking up and feeling good has now been made easier for us. CBD has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s perfect for people who struggle to get up in the mornings.
CBD and Coffee are superfoods
Coffee is filled with antioxidants, helping our bodies fight against aging. CBD is also a powerful antioxidant and also a neuroprotectant. Making this a powerful combo and a nice addition to your everyday diet. But, as always take your time and find your balance, our bodies are all different and so too are the amounts we can handle.
If you live where CBD is not yet legal, then the CBD in your coffee can be derived from hemp. Hemp-based CBD still has the effect of reducing anxiety and fights against inflammation.
Read more about Medical Cannabis and CBD. Visit our blog feed