Cannabis is a very versatile plant, it is capable of being able to heal so many human ailments that it has been called a miracle plant, or the ‘gift from god’.
Research has shown that cannabidiol (CBD) could change the way we treat obesity. The THC in cannabis has been known to increase the appetite, the term “munchies” is caused by the effect of THC. It’s mighty powerful in helping patients with HIV or with chemotherapy, as it boosts the appetite and enhances the ability to gain weight. But scientists have found that regular cannabis users are less obese and have lower chances to suffer from diabetes. The CBD molecule can fight and cure many disorders and diseases in the human body. CBD has been found to be very useful in boosting our immune system and supporting our endocannabinoid system. Scientists have discovered an active link between the endocannabinoid system and our appetite.
It’s now known that the plant has a metabolic effect, it can reduce insulin level and regulate the endocannabinoid system that has become unbalanced and overactive for many humans. It has a broad regulatory effect; it can increase weight in those who are struggling to keep the kilograms and reduces kilos in those who are obese.
Further studies will shed light on the real possibilities that this plant offers and its true healing powers. The truth is that cannabis balances obsessive behaviors including overeating by helping with phobias and fears that switch it on. Statistically, cannabis users weigh less, although they do experience munchies from the THC.
Researches have discovered that cannabis does contain both appetite increasing and appetite suppressing compounds. Both cannabinoids THC and THCV affect the same receptors, but they do it differently. THCV, the new kid n the block, works as an antagonist of the CB1 and CB2 receptors being known as an appetite suppressant. THCV is probably the reason why cannabis users are slimmer on average. It’s believed that THCV blocks the reward sensation we get while eating unhealthy comfort foods, giving us tremendous potential in the future fight with obesity.
Used as a medicine and combined with a healthy diet and exercise, we have hope for beating the global obesity epidemic. Obesity leads to many diseases; it affects our kidneys, liver, heart, and fertility, it’s time we find a safety management system that is non-toxic and effective. Hopefully increasing research on cannabinoids will give us more answers and will lead us to the cure.
In the early 20th century obesity was only a problem in developed countries. Now during the past decade, the increase in obesity prevalence in emerging and developing countries has gone from 30 percent to 100 percent. The two most important causes of this massive increase are urbanization and globalization of food production and marketing. The more a rural community is exposed to urbanization and a new lifestyle the more it’s affected by obesity.
In the past, we thought that obesity is linked to the lack of control at the table but now we know that it’s more complicated than that. It’s all one big system that consists of our immediate environment, what kind of food is available where someone lives or works and also how someone moves around. Personal energy balance is off as the world we are living in offers us unbalanced options. Our society has sharply reduced the amount of energy used daily for survival activities. We walk less, drive more. We have less opportunity for free physical outdoor activities and more options for indoor amusement. More fast food outlets and less reliance on home cooking.
The world has tried to find the answers on how to stop obesity but without much success. We have made progress in attempting to understand the connection between genetics, metabolism, social behavior, individual behavior and the role of the environment but obesity still stays as a global epidemic with no groundbreaking change until now.